Crystal Care

Congratulations on your commitment to healing using the energies of Mother Earth! Establishing a connection with your healing crystals is essential to ensure that they work optimally and that you're caring for them with intention. By taking these simple steps, you're on your way to unlocking the full potential of your crystals and harnessing the power of nature to support your well-being/ wellness.

 1. Cleanse:

Throughout the day, both crystals and selves encounter positive and negative energy, so it's important to cleanse the crystals of any unwanted energy. Here are a few effective ways to cleanse your crystals:

Sage- Let the smoke breeze over crystals

Palo Santo- Let the smoke breeze over crystals

Sound Bath ⁠-Play the bowl while envisioning a beam of white light pouring over the crystals.

Moonlight- -Crystals can be set in the moonlight for 24 hours for their properties to be fully charged.⁠

Selenite- Place on/near for 24 hours

Sea Salt (Research First) Submerge crystals in a bowl of salt. (not all crystals are safe in salt!)⁠ ⁠


2. Charge:

This process activates the crystals, enabling them to work effectively through you.

Moonlight - Crystals can be set in the moonlight for 24 hours for their properties to be fully charged.⁠

Quartz or  Amethyst Cluster w/ points – Place near for 24 hours

Sound Vibration -⁠Play the bowl while envisioning a beam of white light pouring over the crystals

Sunlight ( research first) Crystals can be set in the sunlight for 24 hours


3. Program:

Strengthen the connection with your crystal by filling it with your intention and focusing on what you want to receive from it. Hold your crystal in your hand and repeat your intention 3-5 times. This strengthens the energy you receive from it.  

While holding your crystal in your dominant hand, visualize a white light connecting you and the crystal's energy.

4. Repeat

Metaphysics is about energy and intention. Repeat this sequence as often as you need to.  It's okay if you don’t do this every day. (Try at least 4 times a month)


The Sound Bath Experience


Cleansing With Herbs